
I’m a sometime book-blogger in her early thirties who decided that it was time to also write about her other passion- beauty. I’ve always had an interest in ‘products’, as my mother refers to them, and now my collection of cleansers, eyeshadows, and concealers is threatening to take over the Mouse House. I also love to cook and read (obviously), as well as get bossed around by our cat, Marple. I’m also possibly the only Londoner to move to the North East, rather than the other way around. And no, I still don’t fully understand Geordie accents.

I love new socks, Midsomer Murders, gin, coffee, chocolate cake, fresh bedding, and dinosaurs. I loathe crocodiles, alligators, and clowns, and think that coriander is the herb of the devil.

You can contact me at cashmeremice@gmail.com

All products featured have been bought or stared at lovingly on a website by/for me, unless indicated with an ‘*’.

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